Wednesday, December 6

The Biggest Liars in Hollywood


Jennifer Aniston's publicist (pictured above) just sent us the following email:

Hey there.

Just saw your item and wanted to correct you.

I understand that being mean is your thing and honestly I am not trying to convince you to be any other way. If that's what makes you happy then by all means go ahead and be mean. It's just that if you are going to be mean then try being right.

We never told People magazine that Jennifer and Vince were still together.

Just do a little research and you will find that we told that Jennifer was not engaged, had not been proposed to, and had no ring.

Your venom towards Jennifer and Kirsten is something I will never quite understand because if you actually knew these two ladies you would really like them.

I hope you will fix your item but my expectations are really low.

Stephen Huvane

Excuse us???
If Jennifer did not lie to People magazine, then what the fuck was THIS all about!!!
Huvane orchestrated to have his client on the cover of People in late October, and the headline screamed "Defending Their Love."

What more, not only did Maniston lie to us and People magazine, but she also lied to Oprah, and that's much worse!

In mid-October, Jennifer made an appearance on Oprah and she lied to the talk show host and her millions of viewers, saying that she and Vince Vaughn were still together.

And, even though they had hardly seen each other all of September or October, Huvane himself lied about the status of Maniston's relationship.

When reports surfaced in October that Chinocchio had been dumped by Vaughn, Huvane issued this statement, claiming that any breakup talk was "rubbish."

Finally, when it became painfully clear to Mister Huvane and Miz Anitson that they could no longer continue deceiving her "fans," they turned to their lapdog People magazine this week once again, issuing the following statement on Tuesday night: "After Jennifer's trip to London several weeks ago, Jennifer and Vince mutually agreed to end their relationship but continue to be good friends today."

Unfortunately for Chinocchio and Huvane, their history of lies and deception with the public and the media have made them lose all credibility.

Next time you send us an email trying to "spin" us, Stephen, you might want to do a little research and try to be right!

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