Wednesday, December 6

Not Many People Could Pull This Off


Lindsay Lohan is totally rocking a sexy double chin!

The extra weight looks much better on her than her former pin-thin appearance. And, she's even wearing a potato sack to cover up the extra pounds!

The recovering alcoholic - she's attending AA meetings - still loves to party, though.

On Tuesday night, she went to the lighting of the Christmas lights at the Stella McCartney store in Lost Angeles.


The Biggest Liars in Hollywood


Jennifer Aniston's publicist (pictured above) just sent us the following email:

Hey there.

Just saw your item and wanted to correct you.

I understand that being mean is your thing and honestly I am not trying to convince you to be any other way. If that's what makes you happy then by all means go ahead and be mean. It's just that if you are going to be mean then try being right.

We never told People magazine that Jennifer and Vince were still together.

Just do a little research and you will find that we told that Jennifer was not engaged, had not been proposed to, and had no ring.

Your venom towards Jennifer and Kirsten is something I will never quite understand because if you actually knew these two ladies you would really like them.

I hope you will fix your item but my expectations are really low.

Stephen Huvane

Excuse us???
If Jennifer did not lie to People magazine, then what the fuck was THIS all about!!!
Huvane orchestrated to have his client on the cover of People in late October, and the headline screamed "Defending Their Love."

What more, not only did Maniston lie to us and People magazine, but she also lied to Oprah, and that's much worse!

In mid-October, Jennifer made an appearance on Oprah and she lied to the talk show host and her millions of viewers, saying that she and Vince Vaughn were still together.

And, even though they had hardly seen each other all of September or October, Huvane himself lied about the status of Maniston's relationship.

When reports surfaced in October that Chinocchio had been dumped by Vaughn, Huvane issued this statement, claiming that any breakup talk was "rubbish."

Finally, when it became painfully clear to Mister Huvane and Miz Anitson that they could no longer continue deceiving her "fans," they turned to their lapdog People magazine this week once again, issuing the following statement on Tuesday night: "After Jennifer's trip to London several weeks ago, Jennifer and Vince mutually agreed to end their relationship but continue to be good friends today."

Unfortunately for Chinocchio and Huvane, their history of lies and deception with the public and the media have made them lose all credibility.

Next time you send us an email trying to "spin" us, Stephen, you might want to do a little research and try to be right!

Tuesday, December 5

Garrison Lived with Jessica as Troubled Teen


As a troubled teen in Richardson, Tex., Lane Garrison turned to his family minister -- who just happened to be Jessica Simpson's father Joe. Garrison ended up living with Jessica and the Simpson clan for almost a year, and has said that he and Jessica "grew up together."
Jessica's rep tells TMZ, "She loves him and wishes him well during this difficult time." Garrison was the driver of a car involved in an accident last weekend that killed 17-year-old Vahagn Setian.

Earlier this year, Lane told PEOPLE magazine about his adolescent days; he "stole everything" he could, including cars and stereos. At 15, after an abortive attempt to steal a jug of wine from a stranger's garage, Garrison says his mom "slapped the crap" out of him and actually took him to a police station to scare him. At 17, Garrison was sent to live with the Simpsons, and Lane told PEOPLE that he's "very grateful" to Joe Simpson for the experience, even though living with Jessica was "torture" because she was "gorgeous."

TMZ learned yesterday that Garrison is being investigated for suspicion of driving under the influence in the fatal crash. Garrison's lawyer told TMZ that he doubts that his client was intoxicated at the time of the accident.

Keeping Tabs on Janet's Fab Abs

There might not be a more watched set of abs in Hollywood than Janet Jackson’s.

When she gains a few pounds or poses for a magazine cover, all eyes immediately fix on Ms. Jackson's midsection. Some reports have said her abs are airbrush art.

During her performance on last night's Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas, Janet decided to give the people what they wanted to see, minus any wardrobe malfunction.

At the LG Chocolate Party afterwards, Janet bundled up in a luscious long white coat and black scarf.

Chilly in Vegas in December.


Telltale Signs a Celebrity Can’t Balance a Checkbook

She’s broke, and on the run

Troubled pop superstar Whitney Houston — once a bigger seller than Madonna — is running out of cash. Insiders tell me she is literally broke, with no current income and huge expenses.

Not only that: Whitney’s life is such a dismal mess that, according to sources, her daughter, Bobbi Kristina, is living with Whitney’s brother Gary and sister-in-law, Pat, close to Houston’s home in Atlanta.

And it just keeps getting worse: A local Atlanta lawyer told me yesterday that he recently had housemates Whitney and ‘80s pop star Cherelle (real name Cheryl Week Norton) evicted from the luxury townhouse he’d rented to the latter last fall.

Houston’s name was not on the lease, but the landlord says she was living there and has witnesses to back him up.


Selling t-shirts to save his home

Former "Saved by the Bell" actor Dustin Diamond is selling autographed T-shirts in a bid to save his home. The 29-year-old needs to raise $250,000 to save his Milwaukee, Wis., house from a foreclosure order.

The shirts have a photo of the actor as his geeky character Screech holding a sign that says, "Save My House."

The back of the shirt reads, "I paid $15.00 to save Screech's house."

Hopeful Diamond -- who has appeared on Howard Stern's radio show to publicize his cause -- says, "If the public didn't care, I as an entertainer wouldn't have been a success"


Indicted on federal fraud charges

Wesley Snipes has been indicted on federal criminal charges for his role in a bizarre tax avoidance scheme that allegedly included him seeking $12 million in fraudulent refunds and failing to file six years of tax returns.

In an eight-count indictment unsealed today, Snipes and two others are charged with knowingly attempting to defraud the government by claiming that his substantial income was somehow immune to taxation.


Cash-strapped Tyson announces exhibition tour

Former two-time heavyweight champ Mike Tyson admitted the reason for launching "Mike Tyson's World Tour," a series of four-round exhibitions bouts, is that he needs the money and thinks it will help him feel better about himself.

Tyson, who squandered ring earnings of more than $300 million, is bankrupt and has a long list of creditors to pay.

"If I don't get out of this financial quagmire there's a possibility I may have to be a punching bag for somebody," Tyson said Thursday at a news conference in Youngstown, Ohio.

"The money I make here isn't going to help any of my bills really from a tremendous standpoint, but I'm going to feel better about myself. I'm not going to be depressed."

O.J.: Book, TV deal was ‘blood money’

LOS ANGELES -- O.J. Simpson told The Associated Press he participated in the ill-fated "If I Did It" book and interview project for one reason -- personal profit, and he acknowledged that any financial gain was "blood money."

"This was an opportunity for my kids to get their financial legacy," Simpson said in interviews this week with the AP after the book deal was abandoned by its publisher.

"My kids understand. I made it clear that it's blood money, but it's no different than any of the other writers who did books on this case."


Michael Jackson Refinances to Stave Off Bankruptcy

(Bloomberg) -- Michael Jackson, struggling to stave off bankruptcy, agreed to a debt refinancing that may lead him to forfeit a share of a music catalog that includes more than 200 Beatles songs.

Jackson refinanced loans with hedge fund Fortress Investment Group LLC, the singer said in an e-mailed statement today. The statement didn't disclose terms of the refinancing.

Under the agreement, Jackson gave Sony Corp. an option to buy half of his 50 percent stake in Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, allowing him to refinance about $300 million of loans, according to people familiar with the transaction.

The catalog, which includes songs from Bob Dylan and John Mayer, is worth more than $1 billion. The sale may help Jackson pay debts that mounted as he fought child-molestation charges.


Debbie Rowe to Jacko -- "I Need Cash, Now!”

Michael Jackson's ex-wife claims the singer owes her a fortune and that she desperately needs money. She says she "sits on the brink of bankruptcy."


Beyonce and Jay-Z to tie the knot next weekend?


Yes, we've told this story before – Beyonce and Jay-Z cause the gossips to titter by teasing that they're going to get married on some island or another, and then they don't. Well, this time, according to Page Six, it really really might happen.

"Beyonce is throwing Jay a four-day birthday party, but it's really a wedding," says one source. Guests were told to have their passports ready by Friday for a party on a yacht in St. Barts.

But then attendees will go to Anguilla for the wedding at tony resort Cap Juluca. No word from the rap mogul or the pop princess on their plans.

Dave Navarro and Carmen Electra Hug It Out

Divorces don’t have to be messy, anger-filled affairs.

Are you listening, Kid Rock and Pamela Anderson?

We never thought we’d say this, but: former lovers could learn a lot from Dave Navarro and Carmen Electra.

The duo may have arrived and taken to the stage separately at Monday night’s 2006 Billboard Awards ceremony at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, but Navarro said he’d “hook up with her backstage and give her a big bear hug.”

“I can’t wait to see her,” Navarro, 39, said of his ex. “I wish we were presenting together. I think it would be cool.”

Isn’t that sweet? We hope Lance Bass and Reichen Lehmkuhl are getting along as well post-break up.

Navarro called Electra “my best friend” and added:
“Just because your romantic life ends doesn’t mean your friendship has to. It’s all good. It’s good for us. Maybe we can be an example of sorts. She’s awesome.”

The former Nine Inch Nails rocker says he has a social life, but no girlfriend. This sounds about right to us. After all, it’s not like you date Jenna Jameson.

She’s been passed around more times than Paris Hilton’s best friends.

Arresting Cop In Gibson Case Attacked By Sheriff

The Deputy who arrested Mel Gibson for D.U.I. is under attack -- by his own department.

L.A. County Sheriff's Deputy James Mee "was forced into an Internal Affairs investigation within 72 hours of the arrest of Mr. Gibson," according to a letter sent to the Sheriff's Department by Deputy Mee's lawyer and obtained by TMZ.

In the letter, dated October 17, attorney Richard Shinee says that the interrogation lasted five hours and Mee "was compelled to give a statement regarding all aspects of the transaction between himself and Mr. Gibson, including questions with regard to the alleged leak of information to the press."

TMZ broke the story on July 28, the day of the arrest, that Gibson went on an anti-Semitic tirade. Sheriff's officials told TMZ and other media that the arrest had occurred "without incident," that is, until TMZ published four pages from the original arrest report which included a blow-by-blow account of Gibson's conduct.

We also first reported that Deputy Mee was ordered by his superiors to sanitize the report, removing the four pages of incendiary information.According to Shinee's letter, after Mee's interview, the deputy was immediately made the subject of a criminal investigation.

As we have already reported, the Sheriff's Department searched Mee's residence to determine if there was evidence that he was the TMZ leak.

In his letter, Shinee says Deputy Mee "told the investigators that he was ordered to change his report, and further, that he did so against his will."

Shinee also says, contrary to Sheriff Lee Baca's claim that he did not ask to have the initial arrest report sanitized, Mee's statements to Internal Affairs and his immediate supervisors "wholly contradict these assertions."

Shinee claims there's a conflict of interest with the Department investigating his client, claiming it "creates far too great of a temptation to discredit Deputy Mee by manipulation of the evidence." Shinee adds, "To date, my investigation reveals that that has already been set in motion."

Shinee is incredulous that the Department has put a review of its own conduct in the investigation on hold, pending the criminal investigation into the leak. Shinee writes, "This, on its face, is ridiculous and further underscores our concerns that Deputy Mee will be scapegoated."TMZ has also obtained a letter from Shinee to the State Attorney General, dated November 13, asking him to take over the Sheriff's investigation "to ensure that the investigation is conducted lawfully and objectively."

We're told the Attorney General has rejected Shinee's request.Finally, TMZ has learned that Mee has been taken off patrol duty in Malibu and reassigned. We're also told that the Sheriff's Dept. has recently targeted Mee in a separate investigation, allegedly for getting into an argument with a superior.

TMZ contacted Shinee, who claims the new investigation "is nothing more than ongoing harassment."

Sheriff's spokesperson Steve Whitmore told TMZ "The Sheriff's Department has handled scores of investigations in an unbiased, fair manner. This investigation is no different." Whitmore adds his Department is conducting "a thorough and robust investigation" and it will "continue to move forward in a professional, measured manner, regardless of the publicity surrounding it."

Monday, December 4

Cameron Diaz Gets Her Schnozz Shaved Down


Cameron Diaz is set to have--or has already had, it's not clear--a nose job. Unlike other blonde celebrities we can think of, Cameron will happily admit her procedule to anyone who will listen, explaining that it is medically necessary for her health and well-being. We are hoping that this excuse will quickly become the third-world adoption of 2007, with Nicole Kidman saying that her GP recommended Botox because her wrinkles were obstructing her vision and Pamela Anderson rationalizing her comically colossal fake jugs by saying that she had to get them to cure her hep C.

Don't ever let anyone tell you that beautiful Hollywood actresses aren't geniuses. Today's Mensa quote comes courtesy of the glamorous Cameron Diaz, explaining her planned rhinoplasty:

"My ear, nose and throat doctor said nostrils only work one at a time, I think. I only have one that works at any point, so when it's off, the other one doesn't come on. They're going to swipe it through. It's not cosmetic, it's just for breathing purposes. Half the oxygen isn't working for me any longer. There are moments where I can't remember things and I'm going to blame it on lack of oxygen. They're just going to go in and fix the bones. The septum's kind of like a derailed train; it kind of piles up on itself a few times. It's not cosmetic, it's purely medical."

So, humans have two nostrils, but only one works at any given time? And because Cameron Diaz's nose has been broken, her nostrils are completely blocked? And when they are blocked, she can't just switch to breathing out of her mouth; instead, she opts to not breathe and therefore has brain damage? Yes. That sounds about right.

"Prison Break" Star Lawyers Up After Fatal Crash


TMZ has learned that "Prison Break" star Lane Garrison has hired powerhouse defense attorney Harland Braun in connection with last Saturday's fatal car accident.

Lane was at the wheel in his Land Rover on Saturday night when it crossed a median in Beverly Hills and crashed into a tree.
A 17-year-old boy sitting in the backseat was killed and two 15-year-olds were injured.
Braun tells TMZ that Garrison had never met the three teenagers before the night of the accident. Braun says Garrison was at a local supermarket earlier in the evening when the trio recognized him in the checkout line and asked him if he wanted to go to a party.
Braun says Garrison went to the party and had one drink. Braun says Garrison also had one margarita at a Mexican restaurant that night, but that was the extent of his alcohol consumption. Braun tells TMZ that as Garrison was leaving the party to meet a woman at his apartment, the three teens asked to accompany him.
According to sources, the boy was an only child and was extremely well liked by his peers.

Braun says Garrison has no recollection of the accident, which Braun says rendered him unconscious. In fact, Braun claims Garrison's first memory was waking up at the Century City Hospital emergency room with a taxi coupon on his lap that had been given to him by hospital staff so he could get home.
Braun says he was not told by hospital personnel that someone had died. He learned of the death later from a friend, Braun says, and was "totally despondent."

Braun says a sample of Garrison's blood was taken at the hospital, but it could take several weeks before the results are in. Braun says he doubts Garrison was intoxicated, but also says, "Who knows if someone put something in his drink at the party."

Braun also says Garrison's Land Rover had been experiencing alignment issues as of late and had been pulling to one side, and added that the SUV had brake problems. Braun says he is forwarding repair receipts to the police.

According to Braun, "Nobody knows what happened, it's a mystery."

Eddie Murphy and Mel B Not Together?


Eddie Murphy just gave an interview to a Dutch TV reporter from RT Boulevard , an entertainment show, about “Dreamgirls” and of course the reporter asked about his relationship with Melanie Brown aka Scary Spice.

Eddie told the reporter that they were no longer together and he isn’t sure if that’s his baby or not. He said that he wants DNA testing to see if the baby is his or not.

Christina Auilera Get Angry


The singer had a face like thunder as she stormed out of her own 1920s-themed aftershow party at London's Paper club on Thursday night.

And there was a good reason for the Dirrty looks.

Aggy was far from pleased when Hollywood stars NATALIE PORTMAN and SCARLETT JOHANSSON stole the limelight at the bash after her sell-out Wembley gig.

The party-loving pair rocked up in the wee small hours and plonked themselves down beside her in the VIP area. Furious Aggy gave them a killer stare and turned her back before bailing out soon after, leaving them to rule the dancefloor.

Keith Olbermann Still Doesn't Answer to Anybody

What's rewarding about reading Tyler Gray's interview with Counterdowner Keith Olbermann is not any particularly new insights into the MSNBC host's feud with Bill O'Reilly or his appropriate reaction to rumors about his bedroom proclivities mentioned in Page Six (though first relayed to you on Jossip).
It's Keith's reaction to questions about Dan Abrams, MSNBC's general manager. While Dan readily dishes to the press about the network's relatively lone shining star (and you can bet Chris Matthews just furrowed his brow when reading that), the evidence mounts that this twosome doesn't maintain the most cordial of relationships.

Madonna & Guy See Counselor

Madonna and Guy Ritchie have reportedly been seeing a marriage counsellor in a desperate bid to save their six-year union.

The 'Hung Up' singer and her film director husband have allegedly been seeing top marital therapist Tricia Barnes after their relationship hit "rock bottom", following the couple's controversial adoption of a Malawi baby.

A source told Britain's People newspaper: "The marriage is near rock-bottom.
They've been putting on a united front in public but behind closed doors their marriage has come under strain.
The publicity surrounding the adoption has created a difficult atmosphere in their home. After a heart-to-heart they decided to seek the help of a marriage guidance specialist."

Kid Rock: Pam Who?


Just days after filing for divorce from Pam Anderson, Kid Rock is back in the saddle again -- partying with hot blondes and making a serious statement with his wardrobe.

Seen partying with pals Uncle Kracker, Kenny Chesney, and Shooter Jennings after Kracker's show in Las Vegas on Friday night, Kid hit JET Nightclub at The Mirage. Just who is Kid is calling a ho?